Spring 2021 Subject Notes

2021年春季主题笔记是特定课程主题代码或全球笔记的笔记. These notes identify general reminders for courses.


  • ADV Advertising
    增加ADV 129第01节“广告活动策划和管理”的代码; will be given the first day of Instruction.

  • AVIA Aviation
    安排在以“RHV”开头的教室的课程在菠菜网lol正规平台航空设施举行, 圣何塞斯威夫特大道2105B号(里德-希尔维尤地区机场).

  • CCS Chicana and Chicano Studies
    CCS 10B sections 03 through 11 are team taught sections; you will be graded and evaluated by both professors.

    CCS 125作为CCS专业的顶点课程. This course is best suited 毕业的CCS专业和/或在最后两个学期的学生 本科课程,并已完成或目前在另一个注册 CCS专业必修核心课程(CCS 1、2、135、150、151、152).

    CCS 180节02,是一个独立的研究类,提供先进的技术 & 在墨西哥民俗舞曲目与民俗舞教学法的重点. 注册CCS/KIN 7和/或CCS 180 section 02的学生将需要购买 dance shoes and a practice skirt for faldeo (skirt work); both will be needed by the third week of instruction.

  • CHAD Child & Adolescent Development
    请注意,以下CHAD课程需要在校外进行实地考察 of the scheduled meeting times: CHAD 60; CHAD 151; CHAD 152; CHAD 157; CHAD 158; CHAD 159; CHAD 160. 在COVID大流行期间,大多数实地工作将在虚拟/在线进行. 请注意,一些合作组织要求学生完成背景调查 并提供结核检测阴性的证明(具体要求因课程而异) and location). Please visit yscfrp.com/chad for more information and check with your academic advisor if you have any concerns.

    CHAD practica (CHAD 158; CHAD 159; CHAD 160) and the Senior Seminar (CHAD 195) are only open to CHAD seniors.

  • CHIN Chinese 
    CHIN 1A, CHIN 1B, CHIN 25A & 25B(最多两门课程)可用于通用电气学分(区域 C2). 根据系里的规定,母语为汉语的人不允许选修汉语 1A and CHIN 1B. For more information, chunhui.peng@yscfrp.com.

    chin25b和chin101b提供两种会议模式:第一种会议模式 is online once a week. 第二种会议模式将利用学习管理 System (LMS), Canvas. 详细的会议安排将在第一堂课讨论. For more information, san-hui.chuang@yscfrp.com

  • CMPE Computer Engineering
    对于cmpe195a第01部分和cmpe195b第01部分,学生必须注册 如果它们满足以下条件之一,则可以在本节中使用 2014年秋季之前或2014年秋季或之后的最新目录, 但我想做一个3单位面积的S和3单位面积的V课程来完成你的 GE area S and V requirements.

    对于CMPE 195A第02节和CMPE 195B第02节-您应该注册这一部分, 如果您正在关注2014年秋季或之后的最新目录,您将采取 the following course combination. CMPE 195A/CMPE195B, ENGR 195A/ENGR 195B, to fulfill your GE area S and V requirements.

    除CMPE 295A和CMPE 294外,班级部分被列为系 同意是由于以下两个原因之一:(1)部门同意正在最后确定 instructor assignment for the classes; (2) the class (or the lab) section may be offered, pending on demand. 请注册不在系内的实验课 consent.

  • EDSE Education - Special Education
    列出的非在线或混合课程的会议模式(天数/日期/时间) ,可在以下部门网页查阅: http://demw.yscfrp.com/specialed/programs/current-semester-courses/index.html

  • ENVS Environmental Studies
    在线课程:ENVS 152是在线提供的,没有指定的日期/时间的会议模式. 在学期末有一个可选的校内会议来讨论 final exam.

    指导课程:ENVS 181, 193, 194和210:多个部分在 same class time. Section numbers reflect differing number of units. Check the unit 注意你要注册的部分的价值. To earn credit for the 回收发展中心,请报名参加envs193的01- 06单元. 学生创建个人服务学习(工作)时间表的批准 此外,本学期还有四次班会. ENVS 193 and 194 do not meet the entire semester. Contact the instructor for meeting dates. 4单元领域,活动和服务学习类:ENVS 117,154和190要求 field trips that may include weekends.

    ENVS 144要求周末到州周围的湿地旅行.

    ENVS 166 requires six Sunday field trips.

    ENVS 185要求学生每周在课外时间额外学习两个小时 参加政府会议,满足服务学习要求.

    ENVS 187 requires six Saturday field trips.

    ENVS 191要求整个学期进行独立的实地考察.

  • FLED Foreign Language Education
    是否必须透过教师教育办事处提供资格申请fed285及fed184y /A (SH 305) and meet all prerequisites. For more information, Anne Jensen (408) 924-4628, anne.jensen@yscfrp.com. fed285是支持教师候选人准备CalTPA周期的研讨会 2. 184Y/Z为第二阶段学生教学或实习督导.

  • FORL Foreign Language
    FORL100W满足菠菜网lol正规平台研究区Z的书面交流要求. Prerequisites: 英语1B成绩C-或以上或同等水平,写作能力及格 测试(WST)或成功完成LLD/ engl100a,完成Core GE要求 upper division standing (at least 60 units).

  • FREN French
    FREN 1A和FREN 1B可用于核心GE (C2)学分. FREN 1A, Section 01 is an elementary French course. 作业和测试每周在线完成一小时 online class meetings on T 1700-1800. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@yscfrp.com. fren1b第01、02部分是第一年第二学期的法语基础课程. 作业和测试通过每周一小时的在线课堂会议在线完成 on W 1700-1800. FREN 1B也可以完全在线进行,不需要安排在线课程 meetings. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@yscfrp.com. 时间冲突备忘录可以发给希望在线学习法语的学生 当然,但是他们和其他班级有时间冲突.

    FREN 25B语法复习和写作是完全在线提供的,可以用于核心 GE  (C2) credit. Students needing to take FREN 25C should contact Jean-Luc.Desalvo@yscfrp.com.

    FREN 101A & FREN 101C学生需要这些课程中的任何一门都应该联系 Jean-Luc.Desalvo@yscfrp.com.

    FREN 101B高级语法和写作完全在线提供. For more information, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@yscfrp.com.

    FREN 102B是一门完全在线的上海外国语大学五区英语课程,以在线为导向 meeting: For more information contact Jean-Luc.Desalvo@yscfrp.com.

    商务和专业沟通:培养跨文化能力 工作场所的听说/口头和书面交流是一门完全在线的课程. For more information, contact Jean-Luc.desalvo@yscfrp.com.

    通过文学和电影来理解文学和文化是一个充分的过程 online course. For more info, Jean-Luc.Desalvo@yscfrp.com.

  • GERM German
    GERM 1A & 1B and GERM 25A & 25B may be used for GE credit (Area C2). Please note that GERM 1B is the second semester of elementary German. For more information, larissa.chiriaeva@yscfrp.com.

  • GRK Greek
    For advising, michele.santamaria@yscfrp.com.

  • HEBR Hebrew
    For advising, call Prof. Rina Katzen (408) 924-3685 on Tuesday and Thursday.

  • INFO Informatics
    For specific details on classes including 强制性的Zoom课程(如果有的话)和一个或两个单元课程日期. Select the semester and regular session.

  • ITAL Italian
    ITAL 1A和ITAL 1B是为希望学习的学生开设的初级课程 Italian. 课程目标是向学生介绍意大利语的基础知识 语法,这样经过一年的学习,学生将能够翻译和 阅读意大利歌曲或歌剧节选的文本,而不是文学作品或报纸, with only a grammar and dictionary as aids. Contact michele.santamaria@yscfrp.com with questions.

  • JOUR Journalism
    JOUR 61第04部分,印刷、选择、在线媒体写作,将以西班牙语授课. Prerequisite SPAN 1A, SPAN 2, or Instructor Consent.

  • JPN Japanese
    jpn1a, jpn1b, jpn25a和jpn25b(仅两门课程)可用于GE学分 (Area C2) and JPN 102B for 菠菜网lol正规平台 studies (Area V). For details call Dr. Kodama (Yanai) at 408-924-4063, yasue.yanai@yscfrp.com or Dr. Michiko Uryu at 408-924-4613 or michiko.uryu@yscfrp.com.

  • LATN Latin 
    For advising, michele.santamaria@yscfrp.com.

  • MCOM Mass Communications
    MCOM 139 section 01, Specialized Writing, will be focusing on special topic; Media on Media.

  • PHYS Physics
    All Lab sections will meet beginning January 27, 2021. Students who do not attend 在课程开始的30分钟内,他们的第一次实验会议可能会被取消.

  • PORT Portuguese
    PORT 1A和PORT 1B可用于满足C2区域的低分区GE需求.

    对PORT 1X/Y和PORT的个性化学习计划感兴趣的学生 20X/Y必须在上课的第一周联系老师, duarte.pinheiro@yscfrp.com.

    进入中级课程20A/X需要相当于1B/Y或许可 of the instructor.

    PORT 102B is an online course taught in English.

  • RTVF Radio-Television-Film
    RTVF课程、实验室将主要在网上见面(以虚拟Zoom的方式)。. However, 如果一个课程被允许见面,这个班级将坚持 required social distancing and safety protocols. If you have any questions or concerns about our course offerings/productions, please email filmandtheatre@yscfrp.com.

    rtvf21正在接受KSJS电台的DJ培训. To be on air and enrolled 在rtvf21中,您必须同时注册rtvf121(电子邮件 joseph.biagini@yscfrp.com for permission to enroll).

    RTVF 122 is for KSJS managers only and Department Consent is required; to enroll in RTVF 122, please email Dr. Kimb Massey at kimb.massey@yscfrp.com.

    rtvf185的主题是《菠菜网lol正规平台》,你可以给Dr. Kimb Massey for more information. 有关rtvf198(实习)的查询,请与Miranda教授联系 elisha.miranda@yscfrp.com.

    所有其他课程的许可代码由F&T Department Office. Please contact Nikole Abrego at nikole.abrego@yscfrp.com 查询接收许可代码,请确保提供您的 student ID in your email.

  • RUSS Russian
    RUSS 1A和RUSS 1B是为想要学习俄语的学生开设的初级课程 and to fulfill GE requirements in Area C2. The classes offer the basics of the Russian pronunciation patterns, grammar and sentence structure. Students will be able to conduct 日常对话,阅读简单的文本,并就所学习的主题写短段落. For advising, larissa.chiriaeva@yscfrp.com.

  • SOCI Sociology

    SOCI 104的先决条件是SOCI 1、SOCI 15(或SOCI 102)和SOCI 100W.

    SOCI 105 has prerequisites of SOCI 1 and SOCI 100W. SOCI 104B has prerequisites of SOCI 1, SOCI 100W, SOCI 101和SOCI 15(或SOCI 102),以及SOCI 104.

    SOCI 105B的先决条件为SOCI 1、SOCI 100W、SOCI 101和SOCI 05.

    SOCI 181B的先决条件为SOCI 1、SOCI 100W、SOCI 101、SOCI 104或SOCI 105. SOCI 15 (or SOCI 102) is required for Sociology majors.

  • SPAN Spanish
    SPAN 1A and SPAN 1B are not open to native speakers. SPAN 1A, SPAN 1B, SPAN 25A, and SPAN 25B(其中最多两门课程)可用于满足C2区低年级 通用电气要求(学生应该参加一个自我定位测验,以确定适当的位置 in 1st and 2nd year Spanish Classes. Email world-languages@yscfrp.com for a test link).

    SPAN 4和SPAN 4B是完全在线自学的西班牙语基础课程. For information, world-languages@yscfrp.com.

    SPAN 102B sections 01 & 02 are taught in Spanish; Section 03 is in English. All sections SPAN 102B的学分可用于菠菜网lol正规平台研究领域V的GE学分.  Students may also take FREN 102B(也算辅修拉丁美洲研究)或chin140 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies Area V GE credit.

    注册FORL 100W, SPAN 102B, FREN 102B和chin140需要通过 WST成绩或成功完成ENGL 100A或LLD 100A.

    在线授课的SPAN 132第10部分只对研究生课程的学生开放 in Library Science. 他们需要获得信息学院的同意 )报名,不开放给香港大学学生. SPAN 160A, Race, Gender, and Colonialism in Puerto Rican Music and Literature.

    SPAN 201, Spanish second language acquisition.

    SPAN 270, Revolutions in Mexican Narrative.

    SPAN 298:个性化学习与事先导师的协议.

  • TA Theatre Arts
    ta91是第一次提供的印刷和道具课程. TA 103 is a musical theater workshop directed by Kirsten Brandt. TA 117 is for the spring musical: THREEPENNY OPERA (directed by Kirsten Brandt); students are permitted to enroll in 只要他们参与制作,就只能通过试镜. TA 191 sections are 1 unit courses for F&制作团队成员和可重复以信用为核心 requirements and electives; students will participate in approximately 90 hours of production for this course; all majors welcome; TA 51 A, B, and C are prerequisites for TA majors (may take concurrently).

  • TAG Tagaloc
    For advising, contact edith.borbon@yscfrp.com

  • VIET Vietnamiese
    第1A阶段将于秋季提供,第1B阶段将分别于春季提供. VIET 1B要求相当于VIET 1A或教官同意. For Advising contact huyen.le@yscfrp.com.